What is Pre-Build and Post-Build Configurations in AUTOSAR

In the realm of automotive software development, effective configuration management plays a pivotal role. It ensures flexibility, scalability, and maintainability of embedded systems. AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) introduces the concepts of Pre-Build and Post-Build configurations. These streamline the configuration process and enhance software reusability. In this post, we’ll delve into what Pre-Build and Post-Build configurations entail. Also, their significance in AUTOSAR development, and how to update Pre-Build configuration values using AUTOSAR APIs.

Pre-Build Configurations

Definition and Purpose:

Pre-Build configurations define static configurations predefined at compile-time and integrated into the software image before deployment. These configurations typically include parameters such as ECU (Electronic Control Unit) hardware configurations, communication matrix settings, memory allocations, and module configurations.

Benefits and Use Cases:

Pre-Build configurations offer several advantages, including reduced startup time, improved memory efficiency, and simplified integration with development tools and build systems. They prove particularly useful in scenarios where system requirements are known in advance and do not frequently change during runtime.

Post-Build Configurations:

Definition and Purpose:

Post-Build configurations, on the other hand, are dynamic configurations that are applied at runtime or during system initialization. These configurations allow for greater flexibility and adaptability by enabling changes to system behavior, parameter values, and module configurations without requiring recompilation or redeployment of the entire software stack.

Benefits and Use Cases:

Post-Build configurations provide the flexibility to adjust system settings based on runtime conditions, user preferences, or system constraints. Automotive applications commonly use them where real-time adaptation and customization are essential, such as in engine management, vehicle dynamics control, and driver assistance systems.

Updating Pre-Build Configuration Values Using AUTOSAR APIs:

1. Identify the Target Configuration Parameter:

Before updating Pre-Build configuration values, identify the specific parameter or setting that needs to be modified. This could include parameters related to communication protocols, memory allocations, hardware configurations, or module behaviors.

2. Access Configuration Management APIs:

AUTOSAR provides standardized APIs for accessing and modifying configuration parameters at runtime. These APIs, typically provided by the RTE (Run-Time Environment) module, enable software components to interact with the underlying configuration data structures and update parameter values as needed.

3. Modify Configuration Values:

Once the relevant APIs are accessed, use the appropriate functions to modify the values of Pre-Build configuration parameters. This may involve updating data structures, triggering configuration updates, or notifying other software components of the changes.

4. Ensure Consistency and Integrity:

When updating Pre-Build configuration values, it’s essential to ensure consistency and integrity across the entire system. Validate the updated values against system requirements, perform error checking, and validation as needed, and handle any potential conflicts or dependencies to prevent unintended consequences.

5. Test and Verify:

After updating Pre-Build configuration values, thoroughly test and verify to ensure that you correctly apply the changes and they do not introduce regressions or unexpected behavior. This may involve unit testing, integration testing, and system-level validation to validate the functionality and performance of the updated configurations.


Pre-Build and Post-Build configurations are integral components of the AUTOSAR methodology. They offer developers a powerful toolkit for managing system configurations and adapting software behavior to meet changing requirements. By understanding the concepts of Pre-Build and Post-Build configurations, developers can leverage AUTOSAR APIs effectively. This ensures flexibility, reliability, and scalability in automotive software development projects. Ultimately, this contributes to the advancement of automotive technology and innovation.

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